Marianna Bernardini

if you were here

Most days when I wake up
the morning air, messing my hair
it takes me back to that October
when you held my hand under the trees

it takes me back to when I would open my eyes
surprised, lips curved in smile
because you were next to me

Oh if you were here

If you were here
I'd pinch my arm
I'd knock on wood
I'd read the cards
I would make sure it's not another dream
like many ones I've had

If you were here
cuddles in bed
stolen stares
and that touch that would make me melt all into you
I'd make sure you never leave

Most days I can't forget
the way your presence in a room
would make the sunny days shine brighter
and would make the rainy days less blue

how everytime you offered food
I would nod and say yes and laugh
because that's really all I did
with you

Oh if you were here

If you were here
I'd pinch my arm
I'd knock on wood
I'd read the cards
I would make sure it's not another dream
like many ones I've had

If you were here
cuddles in bed
stolen stares
and that touch that would make me melt all into you
I'd make sure you never leave

Most days I pray to god
that you remember what you felt and told me
right before you left, you loved me
please, at least, make sure my name
brings back
bittersweet memories

If you were here
I'd pinch my arm
I'd knock on wood
I'd read the cards
I would make sure it's not another dream
like many ones I've had

If you were here
cuddles in bed
stolen stares
and that touch that would make me melt all into you
I'd make sure you never leave