Marianna Bernardini

Drama King

I bet you like stories with happy endings
You'd love for me to come back
The curtains open and there we are standing
All dressed up acting our parts

I'm the sweet doll dancing in all directions
You bow and arrow in hand
But I see through your evil machinations
I leave the stage, final act

You and I
We are done
I don't want you to know
That you broke my heart like no one has
You so the drama king
I was wasting my time
So I learnt how to bite
And you still have the mark on your arm

I know you like being protagonistic
Porcelain gestures you used to call love
I don't want to be part of your orchestrations... anymore

You and I
We are done
I don't want you to know
That you broke my heart like no one has
You so the drama king
I was wasting my time
So I learnt how to bite
And you still have the mark on your arm

You betrayed my trust, how will I trust again?
The daemons in your bones woke up all the daemons in mine
I'm scared
I may do this to him...

I bet you like stories with happy endings
You'd love for me to come back (ahah)